Notes for 1976_Sackson_384_December 29.jpg: Page #1
Original title: 1976_Sackson_384_December 29.jpg
29 Wednesday - December 1976
364th day - 2 days to come
To Reiss. Spoke to Bob Reiss for a moment. He didn't remember
about saying he might want me to do a GAME for a celebrity.
Busy, and when I asked for copies of THE HARRY LORAYNE MEMORY GAME
he said sure and to get them from "Michelle." Spoke to her and
she gave me the 4 I asked for- and a shopping bag into which they fit.
Met Phil Laurence on Broadway. Told him I liked his BRIDGE FOR TWO
and confirmed that the player taking the bid faces two move cards.
After we parted realized I could have given him copy of
THE HARRY LORAYNE MEMORY GAME and saved myself some carrying.
Bought typewriter ribbon at summit - $1.20 plus tax.
Stopped at Essex Games to get price info on COUNTERSTRIKE and
possibly a copy. Noone there. Copied their telephone no. (255-1704).
To "Childcraft." Bought THE GATES - $2.99. Looked at
4 GAMES IN 3 DIMENSIONS. There is a 3x3x3 field. For
OMNIGRAM there are cardboard squares with the alphabet and
one blank. Players in turn place a square and score one point for
each 3 letter word formed. The blank can be used as any letter,
and is the only pc. that can be moved. For INVASION there are 8 pcs.
each of two colors. These are set up on the top and bottom layers,
leaving the center spaces empty. Movement is one space in any ortho-
gonal direction, except vertically back towards a player's starting
level. Jumps [illegible word crossed out] are made orthogonally over single enemy pcs. which are
removed. Multiple jumps can be made if the position is correct. One
moving most pcs. to opposite level wins, for [illegible word crossed out] LOCATE there are
pcs. with the numbers from 1 to 21. All are placed face down. The
top and bottom layers are filled with face down pieces and the remaining
three pcs. are placed face up in the middle layer (where?). Players in
turn take a pc. from any space and place it in any other. A face
down pc. is exposed but is put face down again if it is placed
on the top or bottom layer. When a player believes there is a vertical
row of three that is either 1-2-3, 4-5-6, etc. - and not necess-
arily in order - he announces this. If correct he takes the three pcs.,
if not he loses his turn. (Fairly complete idea of the 3 games.)
Looked at a German import - JOKER. There are cubes with
letters on the faces, words are made in crossword style and
one point (I believe) is scored for each cube used. A number
die is included and players can introduce a luck factor by throwing
it with the others and multiplying the score by the number thrown.
While taking back the shopping bag with THE HARRY LORAYNE MEMORY GAME.
I mentioned that it would be appropriate for "Childcraft." The gal said
she'd mention it to the buyer.
To S.P.I. Made repros of the following: 1958 rules for STAR REPORTER
(which I added to box with 1952 game). Rules for YIN/YANG, a
supply of "individual life maps." The booklet 5 GAMES MORE FOR THE FAMILY DECK.
For Ronnie Corn- The rules and the 6 boards for TURNOVERS;
Rules and picture of ARMADA (Pelikan); DIAMAT (Pelikan).
Dave Isby gave me a large "Parker of Germany" 1975 catalog.
(cont. on 12/17)