
December 1976 - Tuesday 28
Holy Innocents - 363 day - 3 days to come

Rcd. check for $587.23 from Parker Brothers.
Rcd. Toys (Dec.) "Toy Products" shows HERSTORY, INTERNATIONA INTERNATIONAL GRAND PRIX (Cadaco). "Hobby Products" shows KLONDIKE (MPH Co.).
Rcd. letter from Steve Wilson. Mentions Carla Evans, BAZAAR; BEYOND TIC TAC TOE, THE SIXPACK OF PENCIL & PAPER GAMES; BEYOND SOLITAIRE, BEYOND WORDS; CHECKERS; THE JUNGLE GAME; DAISY mag.; PUSHOVER; SLY; S&T. Sent rules of an original game of his - PLUSSENMINUS - with an example. Mentions PROGRAMMING SOLITAIRE.
Wrote to Graeme Levin about Toy Fair. Added three games that I want: NEWSDESK, MANOEUVRE, THE JUNIOR POLICE FIVE GAME. Told him I have CORONA and have access to LOSE YOUR SHIRT, SNIFF, NORTH SEA OIL. Listed games wanted in order of preference: PAGODA, TRADE, JACKPOT (Ravensburger), CARAMBA, BLOCKWORD, OVERLORD, ADDIQUE, NORTH SEA OIL, LOSE YOUR SHIRT, SNIFF; Rules for TRESPASS, O.R.B.I.T., and SPAGHETTI JUNCTION. Mentioned AGOG royalty check. Sent card to Mary Hilt. Mentioned INTERSECTION, PUSHOVER, TOTALLY, HARRY LORAYNE MEMORY GAME, BEYOND TIC TAC TOE, BEYOND SOLITAIRE.
Looked at the game CURTAINS that Maureen Moran sent me last year. Called her on phone and apologized for not contacting her a year ago. She has my books, but doesn't have my Aladdin games. Told her I'd send her TOTALLY, as a thank you and an apology. Asked a question on CURTAINS that wasn't clear. In selling a move what is meant is that up to five spaces of a move- if it is that big - can be sold, by up to five different players. Asked her if she had tried to market the game. A little, in- cluding getting in touch with Alice McElhone - who said it would be much too expensive. I told that the theme is of no interest in most of the country, but the same game with a new theme might well have a chance.
Rcd, Vol. 22 of FAMILY CREATIVE WORKSHOP. Call from Felicia. She hears from Andrea Green that all kind of things are popping at Ideal. René Soriana has quit for an important job elsewhere, but won't say where.
Charlie Leicht has been demoted to Assistant Product Manager and Felicia doubts if he'll stay. Andrea says he is hard to get along with.
Dick Harris was seen outside of Jules Cooper's office. But Felicia said that they have been friends for a long time.
George Dunsay will no longer by Jules' assistant and someone form- ally in Dolls will be evaluating games for Jules. There will be a new V.P. in charge of R&D and Felicia was not sure if that was going to Dunsay or to someone else.
Jules Cooper's authority has been split in two. Andrea is doing writing, including copy for boxes and she is not happy. For one this it is very noisy. She is now working one day a week at the ad agency, where it is quieter and she'd like to work there all week.
(cont. on 12/25)

[No notes yet.]