Notes for 1976_Sackson_382_December 27.jpg: Page #1
Original title: 1976_Sackson_382_December 27.jpg
27 Monday - December 1976
St. John, Evangelist - 362nd day - 4 days to come
Rcd. X'Mas card with short note, from John Gollon. Mentioned POLYGON.
Rcd. $75 check from Athol-Research - for KONO and NINE MEN'S MORRIS.
Rcd. THE GENERAL (Nov-Dec '76). Articles on TOBRUK, STALINGRAD,
booklet. Game of WAR AT SEA with comments by [illegible word crossed out]
Don Greenwood. Short article on THE THIRD REICH. Article on
RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN variants. Some optional rules for PANZERBLITZ and
Ronnie Corn called to check if they could come over in the afternoon.
BB had Mah Jong here so had to set it later, and prevailed on
them to have lun supper with them us. (The brought tea, candy, &
Nasi Goreng.)
Ronnie got an X'Mas present of SNIFF, JOCKEY, and CORONA - and
brought them with him to show me. (I have CORONA.) SNIFF is actually
played on a field of 5x5 spaces rather than the 6x6 of AMAZE. The
4 fields are provided so that each player has one for setting up and
one for solving. There are rules in English and more variations in
German. Ronnie will get me repros of all the rules and I will get
translations of the German part. He says that JOCKEY is interesting,
similar to LOSE YOUR SHIRT (which I also don't have) but better. He will
get me repros of the rules.
While looking thru things with Ronnie & Jordan (Holly Dee wasn't
that interested in games) came across the repros of the entire
game of BUSINESS LE JEU DES SOCIETES. Gave them to Ronnie.
Ronnie said that he'd appreciate keeping up with the latest from S.P.I. [Simulations Publications, Inc.]
Call from Peggy at S.P.I. X'Mas party Weds. at 3:30 p.m.
Call from Claude. Times leisure section had a piece on
THE PALM BEACH GAME. It is not much of a game, the main
thing being the snobbish humor. It is put out by a small company
and sells for $25. (Claude kept the clipping.)
Talked about a date but nothing definite.
At a "Job Lot" store on 40th St. ne. 5th (a branch?) he saw a card word RUMMY
type game with a name something like "Lingua." He is pretty sure
he once gave me one.
He again brought up getting together with Martin Gardner.
Ronnie Corn said that he and Jordan had played WIRE TAP and liked
it. Jordan suggested allowing diagonal lines. I said that that
would complicate things, making it almost impossible to solve. Also
it would be difficult with the overlays. I said that I might include
some 4-long overlays to use in place of 3 - long. They agreed that
that would add to the complexity.