1976_Sackson_380_December 25.jpg: Page #1
Original title: 1976_Sackson_380_December 25.jpg

25 Saturday - December 1976
Christmas Day - 360th day - 6 days to come
Called Phil Orbanes to thank him for his gift. Told him that I had
a copy of STAR REPORTER for him - a later and simplified
version, but it can be played using the original rules I once
gave him. (Asked about Anna - earings [sic] for pierced ears.)
Told him about WIRETAP using plastic overlays. He said that it
could well be a follow-up to DEDUCTION which they are doing this
It is year. It is played on a 6x6 pegged field. One player sets
it up with pegs of 4 colors, 9 of each, so that each color is
contiguous (diagonally O.K. ?). Guessing player can ask for
the color of the peg in a space. Or he can state that a particular
space has a specific color; if correct can continue with state-
ments - until wrong.
The thinking at Ideal is that 2-hand games are the wave of the
future. I said because of MASTERMIND and OTHELLO. Partly,
but also because of the declining birth rate and couples waiting
longer with having children.
Told him I that I was making progress on THE RIGHT WORD.
Played SEARCH with Phil Laurence. Allowed each player to use either
color on his turn. To compensate did not allow a color to go to
a number already occupied. If all already occupied for both
colors that player is finished. Was quite challenging.
(cont. from 12/28) [12/28]
I asked, and Felicia said that Phil Orbanes is safe - no changes
in the board game dept.
The only other Aladdin game that she saw sold at Rappaports was
one copy of BARRIER.
A new client has a children's word game, called ALL OFF, that she thinks
is very original. He doesn't speak English very well and she needs
someone to rewrite the rules. Since I don't do children's games, she
is thinking of asking Andrea. I reminded her that I did children's
games at Parker. Of course - she will check with the inventor and will
see that I get either a good fee or a piece of the royalties-
especially if I can come up with some improvements.
This client also has a word game similar, but better, than M.B.'s
HANGMAN, but since MB was first, she can't do anything with it.
When Angelo Longe comes to see her in Feb. (a special favor
since S&R [Selchow and Righter] is only looking at mail submissions!?) she will show
ALL OFF to him. I suggested THE RIGHT WORD is Ideal doesn't
want it. She agreed.
The matter of home video games came up and she clarified that
the complaint was that other people's TV reception was adversely
Felicia mentioned THE PALM BEACH GAME, which I heard of yesterday.
I asked if I could take her copy of BAZAAR to Parker. Yes. I wanted
to pick it up tomorrow but she won't be in. Asked her to leave
it at Athol-Research Games. O.K. She called me back later to
(cont. on 12/24)