Notes for 1976_Sackson_374_December 19.jpg: Page #1
Original title: 1976_Sackson_374_December 19.jpg
19 Sunday - December 1976
Fourth Sunday of Advent - 354th day - 12 days to come
At bazaars in Queens bought: 5 small pads - 5¢ each; a lot
of white buttons - 30¢; set of "Dual Dominoes" - 33'3¢.
At flea market on Northern Blvd. bought TALLYTT (The Maxim Games Co.)
for 25¢. No rules but patent no. 2, 205, 440 is listed. Also bought
a puzzle, DOUBLE DARE for $1.00.
At a bazaar also bought 13 assorted erasors [sic] for 55¢.
Played PEACE CONFERENCE and SEARCH with the Horns.
logomachy gives rules for NINE COLUMN UNCRASH and a variation
(cont. from 12/20) [12/21]
No, he was just saying hello, Bob thinks he is more of a Toy man
than a game man.
Bob had me go over the galleys of the "Game Rug"BACKGAMMON rules. We also went
over the correction for "The Game Rug" and THE GAME CUBE. Spent
about 2 hours. // The secretary gave me the folder and letter on
SHAMAAT I had seen previously. They were going to mail it.
To Felicia. Took the model of [illegible word crossed out] DIAMOND MINE. She was
looking for the models of PRIMO and FORTUNA but couldn't find them.
She called M.B. [Milton Bradley] to check with Dick Harris, but "he is no
longer with us." She was connected to Jim Houlihan who wouldn't
say anything more than "it was amicable." He will be in charge until
Jim Walsh (a new man I believe) takes over. Someone had called them
about making up business GAMES for a captive audience for a
fee. He gave them her name - but she hasn't heard from them yet.
Felicia said that Andrea Green had told her that a lot of M.B.
people were showing up at Parker. Something must be cooking.
Felicia showed me a game, ASSAULT ON MT. EVEREST, that Herb Roth
will be handling. I told her that it was definitely something that
S&T [Strategy & Tactics] readers might find interesting. She called Herb in and he
said to take it.
While the three of us were talking it came up that the FCC
was (or is it they are contemplating) stopping sales of the
video games. People are complaining of damage to their TV sets.
Herb rcd. a flyer from "Metagaming Concepts" and wondered
what it was all about. I told him, and he said to take the flyer.
Later went in to his office to get the list price of
ASSAULT ON MT. EVEREST - $10.00. Saw a box called CORRAL and asked
if it was new or an old one. Crisloid (I believe) is now putting it
out, altho it is an old game. I'll get a review copy sometime.
Felicia showed me the rules for THE COLLECTOR but, since Larry & Pearl
Winters had already been to Baltimore to iron out the problems, I
didn't bother reading them.
Looked at a game CAMOUFLAGE that Felicia had in closet. The [sic] is a
set of cards with short words, such as "Me". A player takes a card and
then writes a sentence with the short word hidden it as many times
as possible - as part of another words [sic] or bridging two words - in
correct order or backwards. A number is given as a hint; either
(cont. on 12/18)