
December 1976 - Tuesday 14
349th day - 17 days to come

mailed BAFÁ BAFÁ rules to Bernie DeKoven with short note.
Rcd. X'Mas card and from the Corns. No message.
Rcd. X'Mas card from Djoli Kansil. No message.
Rcd. X'Mas card from Carla Evans, with note on BEYOND SOLITAIRE, PINBALL, and PROFIT & LOSS.
Rcd. letter from Tom Shaw. Mentioned FOUR-ARMED BANDIT, Don Greenwood, SLEUTH.
Visit from Jules Cooper and Phil Orbanes (after earlier call that from Phil in which he said that Jules didn't want to bring along George Dunsay). Elaborate lunch.
Phil brought the following: THE STING GAME, WELCOME BACK KOTTER, KING KONG. Jules saw lots of his games in my collection, including BANG, FLASH, INTRIGUE, LOGUS SR., PERCEPTION, DEAR ABBY, and just about all the Lowell games, and THE STOCK MARKET GAME. He thinks that THE BOSS is the best game he ever did- when kids play it they have a wonderful time. He asked if I had PERSON-ALYSIS; I checked and I didn't; he said that he may have an extra to contribute to my collection.
Jules said that MATOCA, even tho it wasn't his, was one of the best ever. The four of us started to play THE FAME GAME, but after a while Jules stopped it, saying that it had a lot of clever game devices but that it just didn't hold the interest. I agreed. Told him that I original- ly had it as FUN CITY, and it lost something in the translation. We started a game of FOREIGN INTRIGUE. Jules guessed Phil's number on the basis of knowing just two, and got it right. He said that he didn't think it was as good as MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, and they had decided not to do that one.
We played a game of THE RIGHT WORD, which I won. Jules liked it, but would like two things: A way of seeing the score at all times. A way of making it more competative[sic] (more "screw-you"). He wants me to bring it there sometime in January to play some more. He asked me if I was in touch with Wald Amberstone. He said that Wald had asked for a job at Ideal. Jules felt sorry for him (but apparantly[sic] not enough so to give him a job).
Then Jules asked whether, since I don't have a regular job, I would be interested in a job at Ideal. I said that it would all de- pend on what kind of job.
I brought the conversation around to STAR REPORTER and Phil said he'd love to have a copy. If I see one buy it, regardless of the price. Gave Jules a copy of the castle AGOG. Signed it something like "Having made up so many great games, I hope you like some of these." Jules asked who had seen RED LETTER and I said only Hallmark.
Called Felicia and told her about the meeting. She thanked me. She hears from Andrea Green that she is not happy at Ideal. There is a new V.P. who is taking half of Jules Cooper's duties and they want her to work for him. She wants to work for Jules. She rcd. the rules for THE COLLECTOR from A.H. and she doesn't think they are right. She can't contact Larry Winters- probably on vacation. I'll try to arrange to drop in to look at them.

(cont. on 12/13)