1975_Sackson_384_December 30.jpg: Page #1
Original title: 1975_Sackson_384_December 30.jpg
364th day - 1 day to come
To Fabio Coen. We played JOYCE (which he liked a lot); O. HENRY (which
he didn't like as much and we only played two sections. Taking 10 points
off the number of letters of a player's color didn't work out too well - I
had 10 letters in winning the first section. One possibility is to score for
the other player's color - making for shorter words. A one-letter word came
up and why not allow it); CARROLL (not much comment - we only played
1 word. He prefers to have one more words, using a whole sheet rather
than a half sheet with four words as I presently have.); POE (he thought
it was very difficult); DICKENS (played with complete freedom to put
letters where desired. I felt that there was too much defensive play
but Fabio liked it a lot.) An idea might be to have each player put down 2 letters.
Lunch at Nippon restaurant.
After lunch he had work that he had to take care of. Showed him
the five solitaire games very quickly. Then showed him DIABOLIC SQUARES.
He is afraid that the puzzles might be repetitious, but he kept the
material and will think about it. I said I'd see if I could get some
further ideas from Claude.
I asked and Fabio gave me two copies of BEYOND TIC TAC TOE. I ordered
another 10.
Made date for 1/7/76 at 11. He asked for rules for the word games.
In Brentano's saw a book DOMINO GAMES AND DOMINO PUZZLES by
"St. Martin's Press" (175 5th Ave., 674-5151):
Looked at CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD. It seems to be a simulation
largely controlled by dice, which are differently colored. The
board has a great many positions in path form, with four
different sections in the company. At the beginning players
throw dice to get their intelligence, social background, inheritance
educational level, and possibly more. In morning players throw
dice - one gives an "action" card (from among 6 I guess) and the
other two tell what number "action" applies. As players earn money
it is recorded and the one with most money bet becomes
"mgt "majority stock holder" giving certain privileges. When
a player becomes "chairman of the board" he must do well
with 5 throws of 3 dice get 11 or over at least three times.
Otherwise he is demoted. (very rough idea - but the game
seems very mechanical and mainly based on dice throws.)
While at Fabio's I showed him the NOST-ALGIA review of
BEYOND TIC TAC TOE and he had Fay reproduce it. Also - I
believe - some of the word game sheets, some for him and
some for me. He also got repros of the rules for NO WAY
He said that about 45,000 copies of BEYOND TIC TAC TOE have
been sold.
To Barbara Weinstein about reimbursement for the tolls going
to Bloomingdale's. It has to go thru accounting so I told her
to forget it.
She was working on a release (for whom?) about the
(cont. on 12/31)