
18 Thursday - December 1975
352nd day - 13 days to come

Phil Orbanes here about at 10. He looked at some of my games and set these aside to get repros of rules at Boston Post Rd. (at end of the day): SCOOP, STAR REPORTER, DRAGNET, BANTU. DIG.
Didn't take PARK & SHOP because it was cut up.
Phil said that he may go to work at Ideal for Jules Cooper if "Gamut of Games" doesn't make it. If it does fold he will let me take items that I need from their game library. He'll take the antique games himself.
There is one company, not in game now, that is quite interested in backing them. However this is run by two men who inherited the company, and they haven't been running it well. So Phil is not particularly happy to go with them.
Phil heard a confidential rumor that Paragon will get rid of Manny Lefkowitz by not renewing his contract.
Phil will check with Herb Chanko on the status of SPECTACULARS. Phil mentioned that a new edition of RISK has a two-hand version, sent in by and credited to an outside player. Also they have a very attractive new board. Phil offered to repro the rules for me, but I'll ask Mike Alber for a set of the game.
I asked if he had thought of getting CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD for his office. In a previous issue of SIMULATION/GAMING/NEWS Gini Scott said it was primarily a matter of working up in a company by following a path.
He saw the duplicate set of PIVOT and said that he once had one. I gave it to him. Also the CAR TRAVEL GAMES for his kid. (He brought a large bottle of white wine.) Also gave him the extra set of COUNTERSTRIKE rules. (In his rush to get the duplica- ting at the end of the day, he forgot these and also the copy of (SIMULATION/GAMING/NEWS.)
Before lunch he and I went over his game SMUGGLING. There is a map of the world with maps paths connecting cities on the five continents. 4 cities on each continent are indicated as places to pick up items to be smuggled. These are represented by cards. At the start of the game each player looks at two cards and puts them face down on two spaces off the map representing the cities.