
December 1975 - Wednesday 17
351st day - 14 days to come

Downtown for meeting with Fabio Coen. Fay told me that his Fabio's wife was taken sick. She called, but I must have just left. Arranged with Fay that I'd call later in the day to see if he was in. Did twice, but he didn't come in.
To Brentano's. Wanted to look at CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD but there still wasn't an open set. Looked at the following:
-6-UP COLOR DICE (see 5/19 and catalog sheet in '75 misc.). The 6 dice have the following color totals - red - 11 faces, blue - 10 faces, yellow - 9 faces, white - 6 faces (a color never appears more than twice on a die). Don't remember the details, but I believe that a player can bet on one of the colors and then collects according to the odds given for that color in the corners. Then the player chooses which color he will try to get 6 of. Normally he will give himself 4 more throws and will collect the odds in the outer circle. If he thinks he can get it sooner, he marks an inner circle and if he makes six in that number of throws he collects those odds. Other players can make some kind of side bets.
ORIENT (Lakeside). CHINESE CHECKERS with the center movable. The sides are numbered from 1 to 6 and move so that the number thrown on a die (when?) matches an arrow. There are some spaces next to the moving center from which a pc. can move to any other spaces (how?). (rough idea.)
MASTERMIND DELUXE. There are 25 cards - 5 colors and 5 shapes, all combinations. A player sets up the problem by choosing 3 cards and putting them in slots at one end. The other player makes choices of colors and shapes - 3 of each separately - and gets answers also sep- arately. Score is based on number of tries to get the identity of the 3 cards. Then players reverse roles. As cards are used they are played on a master grid until all except one are used (which makes the last problem pretty easy?). (Could only read one side of the rules under the shrink wrap.)
At A&F picked up rules for COUNTERSTRIKE - handouts. They are not complete - but I think that I can fill in the gaps. (Filed in 1975 misc.) Got another set at Macy's. Nothing else of interest in either of the stores - except that Macy's had lots of SLEUTH and none of the other gamettes. Also a lot of [illegible word crossed out] ACQUIRE, but others too.
To S.P.I. Howie Barasch gave me copies of Statis-Pro's PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL GAME and COLLEGE FOOTBALL GAME. Both boxes were for "Professional" so I put both in one box and put the other in the basement.
Richard Berg said that he'd loan me his copy of 1829. I'll call him to arrange a time and place - either at his home or S.P.I. Took duplicate boxed copies of STARFORCE and SORCERER. Also unboxed copy of SORCERER.
Took a copy of a catalogue (with some loose sheets) of an Australian company - "Military Simulations Pty. Ltd." They handle S.P.I., Jedko, A.H., and conflict. (Nothing new to me.) (Filed in
(cont. on 12/16)