
12 Friday - December 1975
346th day - 19 days to come

Finished the diagram for DICKENS and got 6 repros on Boston Rd. Made a rough diagram for PINBALL and also a set of 18 "dice" cards. Played a little by myself and seems O.K. Also played around with ALONE TOGETHER. Trying to make a solitaire out of LABIRYNT (see 10/14) but no success so far.
Letter from Graeme Levin. Wants reservation for 2/22/76 to 2/29/76. Mentioned AGOG, ORGANISMS. X'Mas card from STAN CHESS Stan Chess.
On "All things considered" they asked to hear from listeners who had different and constructive hobbies - with possibility of an inter- view on the air. I should contact them about the games.
With BB to Claude and Anne's for supper. Brought Claude the copy of Hasbro's DOUBLE DEALER and his model of DUEL. He gave me the Dec. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Martin Gardner's col- umn mentions that there in [sic] a new edition of the book MUGRACTMUDCRACKY AND POLY-Y. Also filed reviews of two books, THE CALCULATING BOOK: FUN & GAMES WITH YOUR POCKET CALCULATOR and THE GREAT CHESS AUTOMATON.
We decided to give each other a present - we'll split the cost of a 3 year subscription to SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. We'll have it sent to him and then he'll pass it on to me. He gave me a copy of Howard Wexler's COMPLETION that he bought for 15¢. It was a prototype from a toy show. The four of us played DICKENS. Then half of a game of JOYCE. Anne & I played POE and then BB and Raymond. Claude gave me some material on DIABOLIC SQUARES to show to Fabio Coen and we discussed it. He read an excellent intro- duction. He'll have it typed and mail it to me. In DICKENS decided to allow more than 1 word to be scored in a line, as long as they are not overlapping.
Dale's Phil brought me repros of an article in FINANCIAL WORLD mag. on the "Toy Industry." Nothing particular interest to me, but filed it in '75 misc. [This was actually tomorrow.] He also brought me some colored pencils.