
10 Wednesday - December 1975
344th day - 21 days to come

Had an idea for a game I can probably get away with call- ing DICKENS. On a hexagonal field players take turns placing one letter. Each tries to form words in one of the 6 directions, and up to 6 can play. In placing a letter, a player must make a word in at least one direc- tion - not necessarily his own. Score for longest word in each row as follows: 2-1, 3-2, 4-4, 5-7, 6-10, 7-15, 8-20, 9-25.
Later thinking of some variations. 1) Letters can be skipped in determining a word. 2) Players write their letters in their own color. Players score bonuses for each letter in a word that is not their own color - but not more than 1 for a two-letter word and 2 for a three- letter word, and only if all of the letters are not his own color for these two cases. BB suggested the name CARROLL for SUPERGHOSTS.
To S.P.I. Gave my column to Redmund. Made repros- 6 each - of JOYCE, POE, and O. HENRY. Made a copy of the 3M letter to give to Felicia, without the company to which it was addressed. Howie Barasch gave me a letter from Jack J. Jaffe, who is a fan of my column - in England. He enclosed info on two games he published - PERSONA and LIBIDO. Will send review copies if I want. He also wants me to be an honorary V.P. of "SIGMA" - an organization he is trying to set up.
To Felicia. Gave her the 3M letter. After some discussion we agreed that she would write to May asking what's doing - and send a carbon to Keith Tuggle. She mentioned it to Herb Roth and he was surprised that Crisloid didn't get a letter. He'd love them to take the 3M line so that he could sell it.
I mentioned that company in Germany was interested in SLEUTH. At first she wanted to try to get it back at once, but then we decided to wait until she hears from May. She has a date next Tuesday with Parker - not sure whether it will be Bill Dohrmann, or Andrea Donahue (who is now in charge of games at Parker), or both. She is going to show them: STARSHIP EXPLORER, by Alan Newman, is one that he loves but she doesn't like too much! I looked at it and didn't care for it much, Rough- ly it is a question of moving planets and mining minerals. A gadget to "assay" the mineral is simply a little vertical "bagatelle" with a ball dropped at the top and going into various slots. (It is marked ©1975 Creative Dynamics Inc. - with Felic which Felicia tells me is Alan and another fellow who is a designer.)
MASTER SPY, by Alan, which Parker was earlier this year and liked. They said then that if they take it, it will be next year's big game. I saw it earlier this year.
WILD, WILD, WEST, by Alan, - which I also saw but didn't get the
(cont. on 12/7)