Notes for 1975_Sackson_356_December 02.jpg: Page #1
Original title: 1975_Sackson_356_December 02.jpg

2 Tuesday - December 1975
Monroe Doctrine declared 1823 - 336th day - 29 days to come
Radio Shack catalog had ad for SCALE DOWN GAME. "Outweigh your
opponent. Try to tip the scale in your favor. Game
includes two racks each with ten weights"(numbered
from 1 to 10). $3.88.
[drawing of scales with cylindrical objects on each side, yellow and red]
Rcd. [received] a carbon of a letter from Nelson to Graeme Levin, saying
they were sending entire AGOG royalty to him.
Wrote letter to "Educational Games Co." asking for a review copy
Trimmed rules for PHALANX (Whitman) and GAMBIT. Also
ZODIAC STAR CHESS and copied the board. For Phil Cohen.
Copied the board for DOUBLE DEALER, so that I could give the
game to Claude, when I go to his house.
(cont. from 12/3) [12/4]
is prepared already but the publisher won't have it out until
about 6 months from now. I will get a review copy.
This may be Horn's last edition, unless he can at least make
enough money to cover the value of the time he puts in. Zuckerman
is out of the third edition. But even if Horn drops out, of
probably someone else will carry on.
I asked, and he said that Martin Campion had written edited the
section on war games. The editor of each section had final say as
to what was included and, as in the case of war games, it wasn't
possible for every game to be included.
I asked how CONTEMPORY GAMES: - - compared with his book
and he said that his was much more informative. The third e-
dition is in a completely new format, which he believes will
become a standard.
I asked if the review copies of the games they rcd. were kept in
a library. No, each editor keeps his own and they only get review
copies of about 30% of the games. His own collection, he said, was
only about as big as one quarter of the west wall of the game room.
He remembers receiving the info on my Aladdin games.
A few times I brought up the matter of my collection going to an
institution. He agreed, but didn't have any other specific sug-
gestions, other than that it should be possible to get a grant from
a foundation to start the project. I said that I really need
some academic letters after my name, but he said it didn't
matter as long as I was a recognized expert.
He did suggest that I could contact a university that gives courses
in "Pop Culture" about giving a course on games.
He had a book with him that was similar in style to his 2nd edition:
(Part 1 is a teacher's guide). Horn bought his own copy but it pret-
ty sure I can get a review copy from:
(cont. on 11/30)