
26 Wednesday - November 1975
330th day - 35 days to come

Letter from Alister Wm. Macintyre. Had info on two games they are working on: SPACE RACE TRACK - an elaboration of THE RACE TRACK GAME; RED SPACE GAME.
Sent a new map for ASSASSIN! that they are testing. Sent info on SPIDER WEB - by Chad Warwick. Sent rules for HIGH SKYLINE by Richard D. Young - who did BRASS TACTICS. Sent - 2 copies of CROSS THEME PUZZLE no. 3. (A rough one.) On envelope mentioned PROGRESS.
Rcd. CITADEL (P. '40) from Steve Wilson.
Wrote to Graeme Levin with dates of "Toy Fairs" and stationery [sic] show." Mentioned AGOG; ORGANISMS; two of the SLY games - EMPIRE and GATEWAY (but not by name). In connection with my writing for G&P, enclosed COMBINATION and mentioned David Parlett and "The American Scene." Asked for PAGODA, MASCO, XERXES, NORTH SEA OIL, "Lazy Day" games - except MANCALA and HIDE & SQUEAK, "Gamart Games Manual."
Sent "small packet" with THE FAST CARRIERS, GLOBAL WAR, and AUSTERLITZ to Walter Luc Haas. Sent THE 6 PACK --- to Steve Wilson.
Call from Carl Eisenberg. Asked if I knew what company was putting out the inexpensive (about $18) version of PETROPOLIS. No.
Thinking of some variations for WORD RACE or HURDLES. Allow the players in setting "hurdles" to put them on either side of the marked spaces, if desired. Use a different color to make it stand out. Another: allow the player using the track to fill in 1, 2, or 3 letters between each hurdle. Decided to use the track as it now is - with 69 spaces. I will allow spaces for only 21 hurdles - using 63 spaces. At the start of the track two of the spaces will be used for the player's names. The remaining 4 spaces will be for the a "run-over" at the end.