
18 Tuesday - November 1975
322nd day - 43 days to come

Rcd. an ad from "The Bureau of National Affraids" for their "Product Safety & Liability Reporter" - with a mention of "a check on toys for Christmas sale in retail stores." It was addressed to "S. Sackson PE." Costs $220 a year. (Discarded.)

(cont. from 11/24) [11/24]

Phil Orbanes decided not to use THE SECRET GAMES. Instead he has worked up a game, FUN CITY tentative name, using 48 square cards. There are two sets of twenty-four, divided into all possible arrangement of three types (residential, commercial, and industrial for the game - with aerial styalized [sic] view]. [drawing of 4 squares divided diagonally into quarters. Each quarter of the squares has a number inside: square 1 clockwise from top, 1, 1, 2, 3 - 9 of; square 2 clockwise from top, 1, 1, 2, 2, - 6 of; square 3 clockwise from top, 1, 1, 1, 2 - 6 of; square 4 clockwise from top, 1, 1, 1, 1 - 3 of (24 total)]
As a solitaire the player works for a "hand" of 5 (I believe) face up cards. Object is to arrange an 8 x 6 rectangle with edges matching. Also the entire perimeter must have at least one triangle of the same type. For a game, players place squares and score for number of edges matched. In addition to the perimeter having to be the same type, all triangles of that type must be directly (not diagonally) connected to a per- imeter triangle. (This could also make the solitaire harder.) If a player is forced to break the above stipulation, he suffers a penalty. (Fairly complete idea.)
In view of this game, I asked Phil at my about my COLLECTOR'S CHOICE. He said that if FUN CITY does well they'll consider a line of card games.
I asked if I was free to use the games from 6 PACK ---, especially in books. He said that they will be selling them in- dividually, and may possibly reprint more if they sell well, when they definitely discontinue them he will let me know.
Phil asked me to keep my eyes open for games that I thought would be good for his office collection - and he'll reimburse me.
I asked if he has heard anything concerning SPECTACULARS. No, and he thinks it would be a good idea to get after Manny Lefkowitz.
He had office copies of A.H.'s ALEXANDER THE GREAT and BEAT INFLATION STRATEGY. Looked at them, but not in detail.
I asked Phil if he'd like any S.P.I. games. He thanked me, but showed me that he had piles of them.
To Reiss and spoke to Jay Peterson. He is expecting the rules for THE HARRY LORAYNE MEMORY GAME from Harry Lorayne in a day or so. He'll let me see them before they are finalized. I told him that Harry had said that it is O.K. to have my name on the rules. I asked how the mold was coming along. He is not
(cont. on 11/17)