Notes for 1975_Sackson_319_October 26.jpg: Page #1
Original title: 1975_Sackson_319_October 26.jpg

October 1975 - Sunday 26
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost - 299th day - 66 days to come
To the smaller flea market near Amityville with the Horns.
In two booths saw TOTALLY, BARRIER, and the wooden
TRIPPPLES being sold at $1 each. (These have to be hot!!)
Made diagrams for WORD RACE and the word GAME of 10/24, to
reproduce tomorrow.
(cont. from 10/25) [10/23]
He is a sales representative for AI-Italia and said that if
there is ever anything that he can do for me abroad - since
he travels constantly - just to call on him.
Called Harry Lorayne. Asked about the advance. He said that I was
supposed to have heard from Bob Reiss. That Bob said that the advance
was only for him - game inventors don't get advances. I told harry that com-
panies - such as Parker - give good advances. Harry said he was annoyed at
being lied to - but didn't offer to send me the $300.
I brought up my adding my name to the rules. He didn't see any objection.
Thinking about a topological word GAME. A field
has spaces for writing letters. Players, in turn,
put in the letters. Then they form words by
drawing lines connecting letters. [illegible words crossed out]
Lines can't cross. But it might be de-
sirable to allow more than one line pass thru a letter. Last
to form a word wins. Can have different sized fields.
[drawing of 12 squares arranged 4 x 3]
Call from Bob Gellman in Chicago. He bought the remnants of the
Itemation Co. Spiegel (spelling?) is interested in putting THE GAME CUBE
into their catalog, but want it to be a combination of a lot of games.
He asked if I would be able to come up with the games - using these
MICHIGAN RUMMY, and PACHISI. Yes. Date for lunch Monday at his office.
Ron Sokolec was there and said "Hello." I thanked him for
LAND GRAB and FACE OFF. Told him that I liked the former and
wrote it up - but I didn't care at all for the latter. He didn't mind
if I didn't review it.
I asked how "House of Games" starting an American affiliate would
affect Franklin Merchandising. Not good. He said he'd like to get to-
gether when he is in New York - something about children's games. Told
him that children's games are not my specialty - but I'd love to
get together.
[started 10/23]