
19 Sunday - October 1975
Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost - 292nd day - 73 days to come

Sent in the "Reader Service Card" from Oct. PLAYTHINGS for info on MERCY and Classic Games Catalog.
Got the game diary caught up again.

(cont. from 10/23) [10/23]

contact at Simon & Schuster and she wondered if I'd have time to work on something for them. I said that I'd be happy to talk to her editor contact and that if something interesting came of it I'd find the time.
She also has a contact at Dover, but I told her that they don't pay royalties - and the flat fees are very flat. She said that she'd for- get about them.
She brought up Ace again and that the editor wants more books like those the Scotts (see 6/11). I said that I haven't had a chance to get their books, but that I would try to get to it. (Later found that I had FUN & GAMES WITH CARDS.)
Felicia showed me a book of color pictures of games by George Bredehorn. Among them were TRI-ACTION, KOO KOO KONSTRUCTIONS, CAN DO, UP THE CHUTE, ODDS ON. They are all action type - and very expensive. ODDS ON (I believe) is a verticle [sic] board with dif- ferent mountings forming paths. Certain junctions can be changed and after they are set up players bet on where balls released at the top will land.
She showed me a game CLICHÉS by Rolf Myller. There are some thirty "clichés" which are separated into words (some words are duplicated in different clichés). These are on cards which are turned face down. Each player takes 10 on his own board and 20 are face on a central board; (The cards are some kind of a new magnetic substance that keeps them in place.) If a player has two or more parts of a cliché he puts them from the storage part of his board to another area for finished clichés and can take parts from the central board after this. When a player puts as many parts as he can onto his board he refills his storage area to 10 and the central board to 20. If two players both have the parts to start a cliché, the one with less letters in his parts must return them to the pool. The game ends when one player completes all of the clichés he started, the game ends. Players score for the length of their clichés (unfinished ones too?) (Rough idea.) Told Felicia it seems very pedestrian.
Rolf has 9 other game GAMES, but CLICHÉS was the only one she felt was even worth considering. One is called FANTASEX, after the book Rolf wrote for Grosset & Dunlap (under the pseudonym Rolf Milonas and it is has already sold 15,000). It is really not a book game in my context - and the book is needed to "play" the game. Herb Roth is interested in producing the game if the book continues doing well.
(cont. on 10/22)

[No notes yet.]