1975_Sackson_298_October 05.jpg: Page #1
Original title: 1975_Sackson_298_October 05.jpg
5 Sunday - October 1975
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - 287th day - 87 days to come
Dale brought me a PEG SOLITAIRE that she bought for 50¢ at
a block party. It is SOLITAIRE (Board), old but undated.
Started shelf 12 on "Master File."
(cont. on 10/12)
(cont. from 10/6) [10/6]
I asked and feels that they are flattering Aladdin by imi-
tating Aladdin's approach - and he thinks that Aladdin's
games are better.
I asked and he said that there was no point in working on a 6 x 6
INTERSECTION for the foreseeable future. However, if I
can work out the PUSHOVER solitaire he promises that
eventually he will include it. However there is no rush for
me to have it.
When we talked about BALI I told him that it would be better if
I waited for the new rules before reviewing it. He agreed.
I also said that I just haven't gotten to writing a regular
column for G&P so as to be able to review the Aladdin games.
Call from Claude. He saw a French game LES GRANDS AMIRAUX
for $2. Asked him to get it for me.
2nd call from Claude. Talked a lot about his COPS & ROBBERS.
Thought of a another GAME for WORDS FOR THE WISE. It is
similar to JOTTO, but JOTTO was a direct steal from some
earlier games. The layout for each
player has four columns as shown, as
well as space for writing a word-
which can vary in length. Players in
turn can use any space for getting
information. With 3 to 5 must use
a word. With 1 or 2 can use any
letters. As a variation can just use
letters whatever the length of the info space.
[drawing of rows of squares- 5,4,3,2,1. Each row has a circle connected to the end of it]
Finished my column with a write up of ZONE X.
In the talk with Ed Schifman he mentioned THE GAMES PRESERVE
and that the one who runs it had said that Aladdin games are just
the kind of games he wants.
Also Gini Scott in her review INTERSECTION particularly liked the
variation with the face-down tiles.