

Brought ,U.THE MEMORY BOOK GAME downtown. Manny Lefkowitz was busy so I showed it to Bob Reiss. He seemed satisfied with the play
but would like some kind of "board" that will not require the
compensating for mirror image. Something with "windows".
He also would like a lot more cards, but in sheets that the
purchaser will separate himself. Also the name mentioning
the book is not good since then Jerry Lucas will also have to
get royalties. He suggested THE MEMORY GAME but I told him
about M.B's MEMORY. I suggested THE HARRY LORAYNE MEMORY GAME which he liked.
He['ll] look at it some more. Then he'll show it to Lorayne. If
he likes it Bob will arrange a meeting for the 3 of us.
I noticed a copy of LIE, CHEAT, & STEAL in bookshelf. Told Bob that
I had a copy of the game in the large box, which I already
reviewed. But that I'd like a bookshelf for uniformity. He
gave me one and asked for copies of my reviews of their
games. At Phil Orbanes request I told Bob that we hadn't rcd. any
royalty reports on the p & p games - CHINESECHEK, etc. all year
He said he'd look into it, but any sales were at close out prices.
Their p & p games bombed in '74. At first they thought that
the 3M might do better because of their lower price, but
they seem to have bombed too.

Dropped the SPY illustrations in the "Gamut of Games" slot. <

To 200 5th to see Terry Seymour. Not in.

To Seville Hotel and gave them Graeme Levin's name and the
date of his arrival - 2/8/75. The reservation will be definite
when Graeme sends a deposit.

To S.P.I. to check with Redmund about my column for #48. He hasn't
started dummying the issue yet. Hell call me next week if
anything has to be out. About 8 weeks from now will be o.k. for
the small amount of my column for #49.
Took 4 copies of S & T 47. Made some copies of my column.
Took duplicates of the following games: STARFORCE, AUSTERLITZ,
THE ARDENNES OFFENSIVE, THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, THE MARNE. From Howie Barasch took 11 letters on my column in #47.
To Alexanders Hardware bought a "Flowcharting" and "Dotted Line"
Template to give to Claude (that I got for myself on 8/23).

Rcd. December PLAYTHINGS. Newsletter said that, despite a preliminary
ruling in favor of ANTI-MONOPOLY a final decision won't be made until
a trial is held.
Gabriel has bought Kohner from General Mills.
Owens-Illinois closes out toy, game unit.
Ad for Invicta Plastics with NOUGHTS AND TOSSES, ROUND THE BEND,
(cont. on 12/25)