

Called Martin Gardner.
He asked if I had ever seen a game in which dominos are placed
on a quadrille field with the object of being the last to place
a domino. No, aside from the game he once had in his
column, placing dominos on an undifferentiated field. He is going
to use the quadrille game in a column. He first learned of it,
under the name PLUGG from the late Geoffrey Mott-Smith. He has
come up with the name CRAM. Another variation in which one
player places his dominos horizontally while the other places his
vertically, Martin calls CROSS-CRAM.
In the same column he will discuss QUADROPHAGE (see '70) further;
the problem using knights, rooks & bishops (with a finite move,
no matter how long), etc. Martin mentioned that QUADROPHAGE
is in YOUR MOVE.
Made a date for Martin & Charlotte to come here for supper Thurs.
evening. Martin will bring me the games he has for me.

Sent DOG-GONE to Laura Richter - together with a pinball game -
by parcel post. Before sending it copied the info on an 8" x 5"
card. (Filed in desk drawer.)

Deposited the royalty check for THE RIGHT CONNECTIONS and
FITTING & PROPER in Dollar Savings.

(cont. from 12/5) [12/5]

than 4 "moves" and a penalty per move for more than 4 moves.
The player picks the "trip". amove consists of removing the overlay
and turning one of the [shape of a capital T on its side] pcs. When all of the cities in the "trip" can be joined without crossing a line the "trip" is finished. For competitive play each player chooses a "trip" and the 2 players take turns making moves and can try to block the opponent.
(Not sure of the details.)
CHESS DICE. Don't remember company and no rules were included (or they were stolen from the boxes). There are 2 dice with a different CHESS pc. on each face (I believe).
ORIENT (Lakeside). See picture in '73 catalog. It is played
like CHINESE CHECKERS with the following changes. At the
beginning of his turn a player throws the die and turns the
entire center section to line up with the number thrown. A player
who has a pc. in one of the 6 black spaces next to the numbers
at the center can leave the pc. there, if he wishes, until that he
throws that number, when his move can consist of moving that
pc. to any desired space.
Dorothy told me that the same people who did INVEST and
ROADBLOCK did the "Teaching Concepts" games such as CIRCULATION (see 11/27). She said that the latter series is doing very well. Dorothy decided that instead of standing around I could be
demonstrating. She had an end of a table cleared for me and had all of
(cont. on 11/29)

[No notes yet.]