

Call from Felicia. She finally got to speak to Stan Harfenist.
He will be in Minnesota next week and
he will play 3D BOXES with George Delaney. He will give her
his report on 8/16.
American Greetings is interested in Andy Luftig's ESCAPE. In
accepting a game they have it played by 10 families and
then handled (prototypes?) by 5 dealers.
IMAGE did not do too well. She hears that FACTS IN FIVE is
still selling great.
Gary Sherbell called her. She told him that 3M was not
interested in OPTION CHESS, but Crisloid would like to look at it.
He's working on the model.
A Gal she knows at Time Inc. was talking to her about doing
a book - FUN IN GAMES. Felicia asked if I'd like to do it with her.
Told her about my contractual obligation at Random House.
She said that the gal just gave the suggestion as a
friend and there is no necessity of showing it to Time Inc.

Called Fabio about my last AGOG statement. I wanted to come
in to talk about it but he suggested, after hearing what
I felt was wrong, that I mail in the last two statements
with a note on my questions. After he gets the answers
he'll have me come there.