
23 MONDAY - JULY 1973

Called up and then drove, with BB and Dana, to Bekins and
bought 50 "Bekins Boxes."

Call from Felicia. 3D BOXES - at first I was to get it there
today but then she, after checking again withe Lakeside,
called again and I'll bring it Wednesday.
She asked about CHESS WITHOUT TEARS and I told her that
Gary is working on the model. She spoke to Keith Tuggle
about it and he said they were so burned with NEO-CHESS
that they won't touch another CHESS variation.

Rcd. another letter from Kees Vanes (see 7/21). Sent rules for
a children's card game MEMOLOG.

(cont. from 7/24) [7/25]

me review copies since each copy of S & T is read by
60,000 game players.
I was still unhappy and Jim said to think about it awhile
and then talk about it some more, since he was due at a
meeting. I asked him to call me tomorrow.

Picked up the 36 boxes of plastic chips from "Synthetic
Plastics Novelties." When I looked at them at home found
that there were 4 shades of blue and that the only
rare color was orange.

[Started 7/25]

(cont. from 7/26) [7/26]

Call from Phil Orbanes. He asked if I had done any more thinking
on LANDGRAB. Not much, but then I thought of using
large hexes divided into 37 small ones. Each player starts
in the center and all the bidding layouts are the same.
Movement is only to an adjacent space. If there are no
adjacent spaces left, the player can jump to any remaining space.
Also thought of a simpler scoring system (actually this
came up yesterday and I suggested a score of 1 point for 1 in a
group, 2 for 2, 5 for 3, 7 for 4, 10 for 5, and 5 more for
each additional). Reduced the number of points so that a player
with a good sized group wouldn't auto magically win: 1 point for 1,
2 for 2, 3 for 3, 5 for 4, 7 for 5, 10 for 6, 12 for 7, 15 for 8,
20 for 9, 25 for 10, etc.
Called Phil to tell him of my ideas. As I was telling him about
the hex bidding layouts, I realized that 6 bidding cards would
be required. We decided against that. Instead we can use a hex
layout for the land portion, or possibly the staggered
(cont. on 7/21)