

Earl Perel called. His friend, Issie, who Earl wants to
involve in the application for a government grant can't
make it on May 1st. We set date for May 8th instead.

Call from Claude. Nothing specifically about gam
Clara Karlan brought me a large box of variously colored
construction paper.

(cont. from 4/30) [5/2]

SECRET LETTER (Puzzle) The 26 letters are placed each on a card
in stylized shapes so that the parts shown behind windows.
Players in turn look behind a window and guess when
they think they have the letter guessed figured out.
One version has electrical contacts and a probe instead of windows, with a light
to indicate a part that belongs to the letter
BALLS & CHAINS (Puzzle) There are 16 recesses in a 4 x 4 grid,
each one marked with 1 of 4 (I believe) colors. There are four
chains, each with 4 balls threaded on it, the length being
such that the balls could be placed along the long diagonal.
The object is to place the 16 balls in holes of matching colors.
Bailey has left a $30,000 job as an engineer (probably retired) to
work on games. So far the only things he has placed are with
Game-O-Philes (Charles Wivel) and they are supposed to be at the
Stationery Show. So that I could recognize them for
reviews he told me the names : - FRUSTABLES, & PEGOPTOMY are puzzle
games. FLIP-FLOP is a strategy board game. (Felicia mentioned that
she heard that Wivel is in financial trouble.)
Bailey had been using Edson as an agent but got mad when he wouldn't
keep after Hallmark on the game (or puzzle) of his and left him. That
is the game that Felicia found out they are sending an option on.
Herb Roth called me in to his office. He showed me LIE, CHEAT & STEAL
now in the bookcase size box. Also he now has AIRPORT, but not an
open one. Their newest is THE FEEL WHEEL, which is both in
PSYCHOLOGY TODAY and in a boxed version.
Told Herb I'd bring him pictures of the Xerox exhibit as soon
as I get them.
Felicia told me, in confidence, that Western Publishing (Whitman)
is very close to dropping games altogether.
She spoke to Jim Goldsberry again late Friday 4/28, but nothing
more about my games.
Shelly Lieberman of EduCards is looking for original children's
card GAMES. Stancraft is still looking for adult card GAMEs and
promised Felicia that they would promote them.

To Joan Silbert. She just had a background map. I helped
her place the cities on an overlay. I'll go there again soon to check
her finished layout.
(cont. on 4/[???])