

Rcd. a letter from Mike Abrams about BLOCK 'N SCORE. (No answer
rq'd until I get a copy from Dr. Shirts.)
Rcd. a card from Phil Cohen. Mentioned BLUE & GRAY, KNIGHT CHARGE,
AGOG, and a column he is writing for NOST-ALGIA.

To offices of LIFESTYLE Magazine. Gave the material (see 2/11
& 2/15) to Nancy Weber. Also took a reprint copy of AGOG with
me and showed it to Nancy. She said she'd be thrilled to have
one so I left it with her. She'll show my material to others in
the staff, who aren't convinced about a Game Column, and get
back to me.

To Bob Gellman at his office and went over the slides he rcd.
from Martine, and elsewhere. Then went to Willoughbys on 32nd St. to
get some more. Still didn't have all we needed. He wanted me
to go to Macy's but I told him I didn't have the time.
While at his office I called the Skunk Works and spoke to Jim D.
My press card won't be ready so they'll give me a letter.
Asked if they had any plans for a "Mafia" GAME (see 12/29/71).
There is a "Gangster" GAME in the talking stage, and
there is always the possibility of one about the "Mafia".
Bob asked to speak to Jim. Then, after saying hello, he said
to me "You don't have any war games, do you?" I told him
I did and he stalled Jim. He mentioned wanting to do a
war GAME but we got sidetracked and didn't get back
to it.
Bob said he would call me tomorrow to check on the slides we
still needed, from the records I have been keeping.

To Earl Perel's and Claude came after. Earl and I played a complete
"set" of Claude's UPSTAGE. The board was divided
into two areas as shown and "spots" of six colors are marked (colors may not be exactly as shown)
in th positions shown.

[Diagram of an 8 x 8 grid board. DIvided diagonally, there are six dots on each side. One each of red, yellow, blue, orange, pink, and gray per side.]

Choose for first. First places one of his four
markers on any "spot" on his side he wishes. Players
in turn place a marker on their side, not in
line with any marker previously placed. Last to
play wins and gets an "award" for each "spot"
he is on. After first game loser of a game chooses
whether he wants to go first or second. Play until one player
wins an "award" for each color "spot".
We started to play Earl's ASTROCASTICS but it didn't play
well at all. There are 14 cards with all combinations of 4
planet signs. Each player gets 4 and must maneuver 4
planet markers into a position matching his card, the four
cards being placed in a set order by each player, 2 dice
are thrown and a sun marker is moved around the signs of the
Zodiac. The sign landed on is looked up on a chart and this
(cont. on 2/14)