1972_Sackson_016_address lines.jpg: Page #1
Original title: 1972_Sackson_016_address lines.jpg
NAME_____________ADDRESS_____TEL.___[Preprinted on page.]_____
(cont. from -4) [3/2]
booklet). I will send Frank repros of the REVERSI section of
Frank has been selling sets like the one Martin gave me to
teachers, even tho he hasn't prepared the rules yet.
Sid Sackson - POTENTIAL. Frank took the board and pieces. I
will send him the corrected rules shortly. (I am pretty sure that
I have a record of the board, but to be
on the safe side I made a copy.)
[Diagram of a 6 x 6 square grid board.
Numbers in each space as follows : -
1 2 4 1 5 3
5 4 2 3 1 2
1 3 5 4 2 4
4 2 4 5 3 1
2 1 3 2 4 5
3 5 1 4 2 1
Some of the spaces also have a small A, B, or C inside.]
I suggested to Frank that, since cardboard
boards are not his style, he could
do POTENTIAL with a smaller vacuum
formed board. The pieces can be cylinders,
and Frank suggested octogons.
Frank said that in order to conserve his
cash position, he is asking (not insisting)
if inventors would take their royalties in
stock. Claude is accepting stock. Martin
Gardner wants cash. I said I'd split it
half and half. Frank said he'd prepare
the contract so that I could choose the
proportion myself at all times. He also is asking each inventor
if a clause giving P.B.S. 1% (of the 5%) in case of reliscensing
is O.K. I said sure. He thinks he may be able to sell out to Parker.
Frank sees Richard Moon (who writes the column for the
SAN JOSE TIMES) about once a month. Next time he will give
Moon my address. Perhaps he will write, or contact me when he
goes to New York. Moon is very successful in his business
and does the column as a labor of love.
We discussed PEGITY. Frank bought the molds from Parker and
will also pay 5% royalties. I thought that he wanted me to prepare
other games using the equipment, but he is going to do
that himself. He thought that I had some historical material
on it and wanted to pay me for writing it up. I told him that
I was pretty sure that I didn't have any info that he didn't
have himself but that if I did I would send it to him
without charge.
He is interested in using AGOG as a textbook for his
classes - about 150 students a term. I will send him
Castle Book's address.
He mentioned that a scientist had come up with a new
PUZZLE form. Two of the faces from his cubes with
fingers for joining are pushed together. A ring can
be maneuvered around the fingers and different
conditions can be acheived by eliminating different fingers.
He gave me a catalog (dated 1971) which includes among
Frank is going to put out a set of TANGRAMS. He wants
(cont. on -6)