Thanksgiving Day
329th day - 36 days to come
Called Arthur. Made date for next Wednesday at his house.
Dad brought back the book EUGEN OKER'S SPIELWISE and his
translation of the book. Also the translation of the game
enclosed at the end of the book - KANGODIL + LOKOMUNCHEN.
There apparently was one set of four cards for this missing
when I bought the game.
Dad started a translation of AKTEN ZEICHEN XY UNGELOST. He'll
finish it next time he is here.
(cont. from 11/26) [12/6]
is born it is the same color as the majority of the 3
generating pcs.
At the end of 10 generations, each player places a
pc. wherever he wishes, with the one with the
greater number of pcs. on the board placing first. In
case of a tie play additional generations until the tie
is broken
After placing of the pcs. [Illegible crossed out] play another 10 generations
and then place two more pieces. Continue until one color is
wiped out. If both colors are wiped out at the same time
it is a tie.
A 4-hand game might be played by introducing the rule
that a new pc. born out of one each of 3 colors becomes the
4th color.
Martin was going to give me a copy of CHECK LINES (see
7/9/67) but I told him it was a variation of TIC-TAC-TOE.
He will hold onto it sincehe did a column on TIC-TAC-TOE
and will use this in the additional material when he writes
the book.
Noticed the rule that it is a stalemate when a player
on his turn can't move. Also "advanced players may decide
to make the centre hole out of bounds for the first one or
two moves" (actually placements).
Martin showed me a pencil and paper game played on
graph paper which is very similar to LE ZIP in Pierre's
LE LIVRE DES JEUX. It is better, I believe, because it
introduced a rule that the car can accelerate or decelerate
1 space in either direct of the two perpendicular
directions. Shown is a sample of a permissible turn.
[Diagram of a 6 x 7 grid containing 6 dots connected by line segments.]
Martin is interested in using this in
his column. Someone sent him a letter
with the game, but didn't give the
source. I will try to get it from Pierre.
Martin heard something about a "Game - of - the - Month Club. (cont. on 11/19)