1971_Sackson_016_address lines.jpg
Sid Sackson
Box 1, Object 9, Sid Sackson collection
Item sets
Rights Statement
The Strong, Rochester, New York.
Full Metadata
1971_Sackson_016_address lines.jpg
1971_Sackson_016_address lines.jpg
Sid Sackson
Box 1, Object 9, Sid Sackson collection
The Strong, Rochester, New York.
[Column headings: NAME, ADDRESS, TEL.]
(cont. from -4) [7/26]
[drawing on left side of page of a checkerboard-looking design within a square, but tilted so that all squares appear as diamonds and every other diamond is colored in and each intersection of lines has a circle around it. On the edge of all four sides have a central line intersection circled in red.]
(or 2 along the edge) wins the con-
tested state. In this context only
states won by a majority of discs
count. In case of a tie in adjoin-
ing states, then all the states in
the row containing the contested
state are counted in the same way.
If still a tie, then the column is
The 50th state is won by a majority
of the red circles. If a tie, the
4 states containing a red circle, etc.
As well as the electoral votes,
each card gives the number of con-
gressmen. The game can be played
to capture the congress. In this
case if there are two discs each on a state, the seats are divided.
If an odd number, then the odd seat is determined as above. Play
can be for the senate with (I believe) a tie dividing the two seats.
For the ultimate game, all three can be played at the same time,
with the winner of two out of three winning the game.
Showed PLOY and TWIXT to Earl at his request. He has a GAME which
is a CHESS variant. Each player has 14 (I believe) pcs. which
contain different combinations of two of 4 colors. The board is 8x8
(I believe) colored in the 4 colors, with all 4 meeting at
each interior point. Pcs. move, some as rooks and some as queens,
but can only land on a space of one of their two colors.
Replacement capture. He wondered if this was different e-
nough from PLOY to show to companies. I said yes, but not to
Parker had DIAMONDS for some time before returning it. Earl asked
Bill Dohrmann if they would like to see other things of his.
Yes. Earl suggested some improvements in MASTERPIECE and Dohr-
mann said it was selling very well as is.
Gave Earl a copy of S&T #26.
Claude called during evening. He was near Marboro and
wondered if I still wanted 5 copies of AGOG if they
had it. Yes.
Claude asked if it was all right to bring Raymond to
Felicia's on Thursday. I said it was really up to
[started on 7/26]
(cont. from -4) [7/26]
[drawing on left side of page of a checkerboard-looking design within a square, but tilted so that all squares appear as diamonds and every other diamond is colored in and each intersection of lines has a circle around it. On the edge of all four sides have a central line intersection circled in red.]
(or 2 along the edge) wins the con-
tested state. In this context only
states won by a majority of discs
count. In case of a tie in adjoin-
ing states, then all the states in
the row containing the contested
state are counted in the same way.
If still a tie, then the column is
The 50th state is won by a majority
of the red circles. If a tie, the
4 states containing a red circle, etc.
As well as the electoral votes,
each card gives the number of con-
gressmen. The game can be played
to capture the congress. In this
case if there are two discs each on a state, the seats are divided.
If an odd number, then the odd seat is determined as above. Play
can be for the senate with (I believe) a tie dividing the two seats.
For the ultimate game, all three can be played at the same time,
with the winner of two out of three winning the game.
Showed PLOY and TWIXT to Earl at his request. He has a GAME which
is a CHESS variant. Each player has 14 (I believe) pcs. which
contain different combinations of two of 4 colors. The board is 8x8
(I believe) colored in the 4 colors, with all 4 meeting at
each interior point. Pcs. move, some as rooks and some as queens,
but can only land on a space of one of their two colors.
Replacement capture. He wondered if this was different e-
nough from PLOY to show to companies. I said yes, but not to
Parker had DIAMONDS for some time before returning it. Earl asked
Bill Dohrmann if they would like to see other things of his.
Yes. Earl suggested some improvements in MASTERPIECE and Dohr-
mann said it was selling very well as is.
Gave Earl a copy of S&T #26.
Claude called during evening. He was near Marboro and
wondered if I still wanted 5 copies of AGOG if they
had it. Yes.
Claude asked if it was all right to bring Raymond to
Felicia's on Thursday. I said it was really up to
[started on 7/26]
Item sets