Feast of Weeks - Shebuoth
American Flag Adopted 1777
165th day - 200 days to come
Thinking of a new approach to TOP DECISION. Seems to be working out.
Felicia called. Someone had called her asking about NUCLEAR WAR.
She told him she would check with me. He is
connected with Indiana University and wants the game for
class use. I told her to have him call me. He did and
he'll pick up a copy tomorrow.
Paula Stone wrote to Felicia that she is sending
her a card game called WHOZAT which Paula invented.
It is a straight card game but it is good for TV. The
English representative of Goodson-Todman, whom Paula
works for, likes it, but would like it to be placed as
a commercial game first. Felicia will try M.B.
O'Connor Barrett's DANGER STRAITS came back from Whitman.
They would like it for their 1969 line if it isn't sold
Told Felicia about making up HAT IN THE RING but not
what it is about.
Rcd. a letter from Haar Hoolim with another version of 7 UP.
Sent a letter to Bill Hart (REAL ACTION BASEBALL).