Finally rcd. THE GENERAL (Nov. Dec. 1972) with the picture of me at Xerox exhibit. So now I have a duplicate.
Rcd. the game NOVA (ord. 12/11). Howard Totten, the inventor, mentions a debt to Alan Lucien and his game GALACTIC PATROL.
Also rcd. THE BATTLE FLAG (#18 - 7/72). Has a review of THE STAR TREK BATTLE MANUAL (Lou Zocchi); a discussion of NOVA; ads for the following games: XSIUS, SHILOH, D.E., AUSTERLITZ, TGV - THE GETTYSBURG VARIANT.
A separate sheet listed only the following: SALERNO, SHILOH, SEALION, OPERATION MARKET GARDEN.
Rcd. the Sears "Business Equipment and Supply Catalog" - 1973.
Called Kathy Brooks collect. Not in and I left word for her to call me. She did. I read all my corrections to the EXECUTIVE DECISION, together with my reasons. She agreed with all of them. She'll send me a copy of the revised rules.
She brought up the matter of the two-hand version of SLEUTH. They reprinted the rules for the game recently. At the time they were very busy and also it was selling well as it was so they didn't make any changes. It will be about 9 months till the next printing.
Earl Perel called. He is in New York. Arranged for him to come here Friday afternoon, tay for supper, and then go to Claude's where Issy Rothman and his wife will meet us.
Called Claude about it.
Felicia called and asked me about the 3M games in Germany. Told her that they had ACQUIRE, BAZAAR, VENTURE, and MONAD of mine. And they don't have HIGH BID.
Felicia saw Dorothy Shapiro. Business at Brentano's was so-so. Felicia is afraid Dorothy will start going in for more craft kits, at the expense of games. They will be getting together for lunch. I mentioned Dorothy wanting me to call after the holidays and she said maybe we can go out to lunch - the 3 of us.
Felicia said that S&R is goofing up on everything - including not shipping SCRABBLE. The storekeepers are getting fed up - and they can do without SCRABBLE.
2nd call. Stan Chess called her and wants to bring her DOODLE BUILDER and she wants my opinion. Told her that it is fun, and it can be patented and televised. She became enthusiastic.
Wrote air letter to Colin Haycraft about AGOG.
Wrote air letter to Graeme Levin about AGOG, ACQUIRE, COMBINATION, G&P, THE GAME, TREK, DAFT DRAUGHTS.
Wrote air letter to P.R. Vein in Australia about his game HEXA-GO. Sent description of PSYCHE-PATHS.
(cont. on 12/26)